Anti Discrimination Policy
Bughary Bio Spices is focused on taking "affirmative action" measures to ensure against discrimination in employment, recruitment, and advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, upgrading, promotions, and other conditions of employment against any employee or job applicant on the bases of race, creed, color, national origin, or sex.
All work and promotion within our organization depend on capacity, legitimacy, and capability. Bughary Bio Spices does not tolerate any type of segregation, badgering, or bias in connection to employment.

Employment Policy
We recognize that employee development and welfare is vital to the success of our company, and all the employees are considered a part of the Bughary Bio Spices family. All decisions concerning the advancement of an employee will be based on the individual’s performance and commitment.
Bughary Bio Spices strictly does not engage in any underage employment and under no circumstances will any individual below 18 years of age be employed in hazardous activity, or in any form of casual, permanent or contractual employment.
Our standing on Corporate Social Responsibility, means even people with physical handicaps will likewise be looked into for chosen occupations in view of their capacity, legitimacy, and capability.

Policy on Human & Workers Rights
Our Human Rights and Labor Policy Statement outlines standards to ensure that all employees are treated with respect and dignity, are working under their own free will, and are being properly compensated for their effort. Bughary Bio Spices is committed to upholding the protection of human rights of all workers where it is possible through our sphere of influence. Company will abide by the guidelines given by ILO conventions where the Sri Lankan Government has agreed to adhere.

Policy on Employee Welfare, Occupational Safety & Health
We have a general duty under the Act to ensure so far as is 'reasonably practicable' the health, safety, and welfare of all our employees, and anyone who uses the premises. A competent visiting Medical Officer is also assigned to provide required health checks and advice is readily provided. Our Organization has acquired a Workmen's Compensation Insurance Policy covering all our employees to insure them during working hours, and we also provide our female employees maternity leave as endorsed by the Maternity Benefits Act.

Policy on Environment Protection
We are committed to providing a quality service in a manner that ensures a safe and healthy workplace and minimizing our potential impact on the environment. We operate in compliance with all relevant environmental legislations and we strive to reduce pollution and keep our environment clean and safe. We do not discharge polluted water or any harmful waste to the environment without purification, and we follow proper disposal techniques, we believe in a “Greener Tomorrow”.

Community Development
We at Bughary Bio Spices come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems of our community such as economic, social, environmental and cultural issues and these include activities that are conducted by us, such as improvement of schools, hospital maintenance ventures, construction of religious venues, homes for the needy, donations to the incapacitated and so on. We do our best to give back to our community.

Anti Corruption & Bribery Policy
Bughary Bio Spices takes a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all its business dealings and relationships wherever it operates, and to implementing and enforcing effective systems to counter bribery. No cash or endowment of significant worth is given to any individual, so as to garner support for our business activities.